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How to relate products?

01. Click on Catalog> Categories / Products

02. Double-click the category in which the product is registered, after loading the category page, click once on the registered product and click the Relac Products button.

03. Automatically opens a new window, A: is product 1 and B: is the product 2 you want to relate, select the product you want to relate, and click on the button: Insert the product is related only to product A, Reciprocate Product is related in product A and B, Inhehit the product is related only in product B.

When you access the product page, the related products are automatically displayed in a box.

Option 2

01. Click Catalog> Related Products

02. Select the product you want to list.

03. After loading the product you want to list, A: is product 1 and B: is the product 2 you want to list, select the product you want to list, and click the button: Insert product is related only to product A, Reciprocate The product is related in product A and B, Inhehit the product is related only in product B.

When you access the product page, the related products are automatically displayed in a box.

2017-03-21 21:25 MFORMULA {writeRevision}
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