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How to upload and / or add a data feed - Drop Shipping System?

Called Drop Shipping Service. In the platform of Virtual Store, Electronic Catalog and Virtual Supermarket it is possible to import, update and delete data feed of suppliers for resale in your virtual store. The main features are: Import, Update and Delete multiple products at once / Sync via url or file / Set percentage to automatically register the resale price / Set feed main currency and automatic conversion to store main currency / Set status of Products in synchronization / Move products automatically to certain categories or sub-categories automatically. If your vendor has the drop shipping service for inventory sync by data feed, ask for a quote to develop the data feed for synchronization.


Each company uses a different data feed, it will need to be developed for each company
The insertion or update of products is done every 500 or 1000 products at a time, so as not to overload the server
In the insertion or update the product image is automatically captured if the company provides in the feed the url of the product image
Each feed to be developed will have an additional development cost
If the product is new it will be inserted automatically, if it is updated will be automatically updated, if it leaves the supplier's stock will be automatically removed from the virtual store.
01) Access the Control Panel

02) After login click on Catalog> Import and Update Product Feeds

03) If the feed is already developed according to the contracted budget, you can load it by url or file, if you do not request your budget without commitment


If you have a vendor that has a Drop Shipping system, our platform has no integration restrictions and feed development for automatic capture. Contact us and request your quote.

2017-03-21 21:26 MFORMULA {writeRevision}
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