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Quick Updates page settings

Display the model: Display template, True to display, and False to not display

Modify the Model: Modify the Template, True to Modify, and Alse to Not Modify

Modify the name of the products: Modify the product name. True to Modify and False to Not Modify

Modify the status of the products: Modify the statuses of the products, True to Modify, and False to not modify

Modify the weight of the products: Modify the weight of products, True to Modify and False to not modify

Modify the quantity of the products: Modify product quality, True to Modufy, and False to not modify

Modify the image of the products: Modify the product image, True to Modify, and False to not modify

Display the manufacturer, Display the mark, True to show the mark, and False to not display

Modify the manufacturer of the products: Modify the product branding, True to Modify, and False to not modify

Display the tax: Display Tax, True to Display, and False to Not Display

Modify the Tax Class of the Products: Modify the Tax Class of the Products, True to Modify, and False to Modify

Display the price with tax included, True to display and False to not display

Display the link to the products information page: Display the page link with the product information, True to display and False to not display

Display the link to the page where you can edit, True to show and False to not show

Activate or disable the commercial margin: Enable or disable commercial margin, True to enable, and False to disable

2017-03-21 21:50 MFORMULA {writeRevision}
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Chuck Norris has counted to infinity. Twice.
