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How do I create or change an email account?

In this area, you can manage the email accounts associated with your domain (s). Select the domain whose email accounts you want to manage from the drop list at the top of this page. Here you change the size of your email box, change your password, create or remove an account.

Clicking on the icon named "E-mail Accounts" will appear a screen in which the upper half is intended for the creation of new accounts. In the lower half, the accounts that have already been created are listed.

To create an email account, follow the steps below:

1. Enter the name you want to identify the account (without the "@"). Select the domain to the right.
2. Enter the password.
3. Repeat the password in the field below.
4. The limit field is optional. It indicates the amount of space that will be made available for message storage. By default the space is 250 Mb (recommended).
5. Now just click the "Create Account" button.

You can still perform additional operations on your already created email accounts on the same screen at the bottom. Next to each account, links appear to change the password for the account (Change Password), change the space for the storage of messages (Change Quota), terminate an email account (Delete), or access Webmail clients (More >> Access Webmail)

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