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How to create a rule in the email filter?

You can create a filter below. You can add as many rules as you need to agree on subjects and also different parts of a message. Multiple distinct actions can be created and assigned to a specific account.

To create a new rule, in Control Panel, click the "Account Level Filtering" icon. Then click the "Create New Filter" button and follow the steps below:

1. In the "Filter Name" field, give a name for the rule you are creating.

2. Below is a field called "Rules", which is sub-divided into three other fields. In the first one you can choose among several components of a message, such as:

    From (Rementente)
    * Subject matter
    * To (Recipient)
    * Response Address
    * Message Body
    * Header
    * Not previously delivered
    * You have error message

3. In the second field, next to the first one, you can also choose between a series of options and about the composition of the field previously chosen, such as:

    * Contains
    * Does not contain
    * Begins with
    * Ends with
    * Does not start with
    * Does not end with

4. Below, you must complete with the condition that should be verified by the immediately previous options.

5. Below, there is another field in which you will be able to choose between the "Actions" that can be applied to the message, among the following:

    * Discard the Message
    * Redirect to E-Mail
    * Fail the message (Returns with error message)
    * Stop processing rules
    * Move to folder (Must choose a destination folder)

6. As in the previous field, there is a second field to be populated with an e-mail account for redirection or a folder to be moved the message.

7. Click the "Enable" button to complete.

So for example, if you choose the following combination:
Subject matter
Move to folder
Each message that contains the word proposed in your subject will be automatically moved to the folder named Prospects.

It is important to keep in mind that contrary to individual filters, the rules created here apply to all accounts in your domain!

2017-03-22 15:26 MFORMULA {writeRevision}
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