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How does the customer request return / exchange?

01) Customer accesses your website My Account

02) After login he clicks on the request

03) You will have the option to request return / exchange

04) After agreeing to return / exchange terms

05) Select the products you want to exchange / return, quantity, reason and reason / comment

Note: The option to request return / exchange will only be visible after certain days when it is in Sent status. According to your configuration in the Control Panel >> Configuration >> Orders Setting >>

How many days after sending the customer sees the button to request return / exchange in my orders) Set the number of days, just fill in number In this field

In the Order status exchange after customer request row, choose a status after the customer requests the exchange so that the order remains in this status

In the Order status return after customer request line, choose a status after the customer requests the return so that the order remains in this status

In the Order status shipped to the return / exchange button in my orders line, choose the Sent status so that the customer can see the exchange / Return after shipment

2017-07-20 22:26 MFORMULA FAQ {writeRevision}
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